I’m up to my elbows in NDAs and have no appetite for the crow I’d risk eating with a premature announcement, but recently, a few leaders have taken a chance on me. In doing so, they’ve made my dreams come true to an extent my professional “poker face” (what little “poker face” I have) has all but failed to conceal.
It’s not often one recognizes themselves at a turning point in life. I can say, with complete certainty, that — decades from now — I will look back upon this stretch of time as being the catalyst for much of my future success. I can’t say I’m on track to becoming a bankable creative in league with J.J. Abrams; only time will tell. But, having spent the past two years creating content intended to speak directly to boardrooms and C-suites across the globe, I thought I’d let this brief retrospective bring closure to that chapter of my life.
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It is nothing short of laughable, in my mind, to draw such a comparison (between yours truly and the walking demigod who brought Star Wars back into my life). I shoot for the stars and spend every day of my life fighting to refute the acceptance of anything less. That said, if I ever achieve so much as a fraction of the success he’s had, I will straight up boil, season (to taste), and eat my own shoe à la Werner Herzog.